The contribution to translation costs aims to pay for the growth and distribution of Luxembourg’s literary heritage by supporting foreign publishers and foreign professional theatrical structures (venues, producers) in the translation of Luxembourg literature.


This support is intended for :

  • Foreign Professional publishers (commercial companies or non-profit)
    The contribution to translation costs is aimed at translation projects into foreign languages of a literary work already published by a Luxembourgish author or an author residing in Luxembourg.
  • To foreign professional theatrical entities (venues, producers) for the translation of a dramatic text with the intention of its presentation as a reading and/or performance to an audience outside Luxembourg.

All foreign languages are eligible, provided there is a sufficiently large readership in the target language and a distribution of the translated text.

The eligible literary genres are:

  • Literary anthology;
  • Biography;
  • Comics and graphic novels;
  • Drama;
  • Literary essay;
  • Children’s and youth literature;
  • Poetry;

Priority is given to contemporary literature published within the last 15 years by living authors.

Exclusion and restrictions

The financial support is not intended for:

  • Individuals;
  • Municipalities and associations of municipalities;
  • Schools;
  • Charities.

Kultur | lx’s contribution to publishing costs shall not be granted for the following publishing projects:

  • Intended to raise funds for charity;
  • Self-published or self-financed;

The translation support cannot be combined with the publishing support. Project holder may not submit more than 4 applications per year.


Targeted sectors

Literature and publishing

Decision process

Applications are assessed by the Literature and Publishing Selection committee.

Applications for funding shall be submitted electronically via the Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg platform no later than two months before the start of the project and by the deadline for project proposals.

The submission deadlines for projects in 2024 are as follows:

  • February 15, 2024
  • June 27, 2024
  • December 5, 2024
  • Cultural added value, i.e. positive impact for the author and/or publisher;
  • Economic and business viability of the publishing project, i.e. whether the professional quality of the distribution of the published work is guaranteed (selling price, target audience, editorial situation in the publisher’s country, distribution network, promotional campaigns, literary editorial programme of the publishing house);
  • Providing evidence of at least one public performance abroad of the translated play in the case of an application from a foreign theatre company;
  • Literary quality of the work to be translated, evidenced by critical and public reception, and potentially by literary prizes and other recognitions;
  • Professional experience of the translator, assessed on the basis of his/her curriculum vitae and publications, which will provide information on his/her experience, the genres and authors previously translated, the reputation of the authors and publishing houses, as well as relations with cultural figures or institutions.
Eligible expenses and amount of the grant

The support takes the form of full or partial reimbursement of the costs for translating a book.
Only costs that have been agreed in writing by Kultur | lx shall be reimbursed.

Total financial support is calculated in accordance with eligible costs using criteria laid down in the critera article and the Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg Guidelines (Our guidelines) within the limits of available funds.

Terms of payment

Payment of the support shall be made:

  • Upon receipt of 5 copies of the subsidised translation after publication, together with an invoice for the translation, made out to Kultur | lx (5-7, rue de l’Alzette, L-4011 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg), signed by the publisher and countersigned by the translator;
  • For online editions: proof of publication and distribution of the work on the online platform;
  • In the case of a translation of a dramatic text for public performance: proof of the public event (online and/or printed programme) and a PDF of the translation;
  • After checking the note indicating that Kultur | lx supports the publication.

The financial support granted by Kultur | lx shall be void if the project for which the support was granted is not completed within the period set by the institution at the time the support was granted. The same applies if one of the terms for granting the support is no longer met or if the support was granted on the basis of incorrect or incomplete facts.

The invalidity of the granted financial support shall make Kultur | lx entitled to receive the refund of the payment(s) already made. On an exceptional basis, the institution may waive the refund upon notification of a specially reasoned written request setting out the reasons beyond the control of the support beneficiary for the failure to carry out the project and their direct causal link with it.

Required documentations
  • The publishing house’s catalogue of publications;
  • A detailed provisional budget for the translation project, indicating the translation price per word and the number of words of the work to be translated;
  • A copy of the signed agreement between the publisher and the translator;
  • A copy of the signed agreement by the translation rights holder;
  • A copy of the signed agreement by the author allowing the translation of his/her work;
  • A curriculum vitae and a list of publications of the translator and, if applicable, of the reviser of the translation;
  • A scanned copy of the cover of the original edition;
  • A copy of the letters of engagement from the theatres and/or festivals inviting the show whose text is the subject of the translation.

The form may be completed in French or in English.

Only complete applications submitted by the deadline shall be processed. The absence of any supporting document in the applicant’s submission must be duly justified.

Obligations of the applicant

Once the support has been awarded, the applicant shall respect several conditions:

  • Mention “With the support of Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg” in the publication and copy the logo;
  • Inform Kultur | lx of any major changes in their situation (address, mandate, legal and administrative entity, etc.);
  • Provide Kultur | lx with any information or documents deemed necessary for the processing and follow-up of the file (change of publication date, cancellation of the project, etc.)
Mention of Kultur | lx

The beneficiary of the support must include the Kultur | lx logo on its communication materials, with the statement “With the support of Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg”.

Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg supports the dissemination of Luxembourg literature among the players of the book industry. The publishing support to foreign publishers for the publication of Luxembourgish authors aims to contribute to the international movement of Luxembourg’s literary creation.


This financial support is intended for foreign professional publishers (commercial companies or non-profit organisations). Publishers in the public sector or similar are not eligible.

The eligible literary genres are:

  • Literary anthology;
  • Comics and graphic novel;
  • Biography;
  • Drama;
  • Literary essay;
  • Children’s and youth literature;
  • Poetry;

The minimum print run is 250 copies.

In order to be considered, the work must not yet have been published on the date of the application and must be published at the earliest one month after that date.

Priority is given to contemporary literature by living authors.

Exclusion and restrictions

The support is not intended for:

  • Individuals;
  • Municipalities and associations of municipalities;
  • Schools;
  • Charities.

Kultur | lx’s contribution to edition costs shall not be granted for edition projects:

  • that are intended to raise funds for charity;
  • that are self-published or self-financed.

The publishing support cannot be combined with the translation support.

The total number of submissions by the eligible applicant may not exceed half of the publisher’s total volume of publications per year. Furthermore, the publisher may not submit more than 4 applications a year.

Targeted sectors

Literature and publishing

Decision process

Applications are assessed by the Literature and Publishing Selection committee.

Applications for funding shall be submitted electronically via the Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg platform no later than two months before the start of the project and by the deadline for project proposals.

The submission deadlines for projects in 2024 are as follows:

  • February 15, 2024
  • June 27, 2024
  • December 5, 2024
  • Cultural added value, i.e. positive impact for the author and/or publisher;
  • Economic and business viability of the publishing project, i.e. whether the professional quality of the distribution of the published work is guaranteed (selling price, target audience, editorial situation in the publisher’s country, distribution network, promotional campaigns, literary editorial programme of the publishing house);
  • Literary quality of the work to be published, evidenced by critical and public reception, and potentially by literary prizes and other recognitions;
  • Professional experience of the publisher, assessed from its publications catalogue, the genres and previously published authors, media impact and critiques of previous publications.
Eligible expenses and amount of the support

The aid is calculated on the basis of a reference estimate including :

  • Costs of production;
  • Preparation costs;
  • Costs of correction and proofreading;
  • Costs of manuscript formatting.

Only costs that have been agreed in writing by Kultur | lx shall be reimbursed.

Total financial support is calculated in accordance with eligible costs using criteria laid down in the critera article and the Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg Guidelines (Our guidelines) within the limits of available funds.

Payment terms

The support payment is made:

  • Upon receipt of 5 copies of the subsidised publication, a copy of the legal deposit certificate and an overall invoice made out to the address Kultur | lx (5-7, rue de l’Alzette, L-4011 Esch-sur-Alzette), enclosing copies of the paid invoices covering the various eligible costs.
  • After verification of the note specifying that Kultur | lx supports the work.

Kultur | lx may be required to reassess the support amount after examining the paid invoices and thus to modify, if necessary, the amount of the subsidy granted, if it notes reductions in print runs or a change in the selling price of the work.

The financial support from Kultur | lx shall be void if the project for which the aid was granted is not completed within the period set at the time the aid was granted. The same applies if one of the terms for granting the aid is no longer met or if the aid was granted on the basis of incorrect or incomplete information.

The invalidity of the granted financial support shall make the institution entitled to get a refund of the payment(s) already made. Occasionally, Kultur | lx may waive the right to refund upon submission of a written request, stating the reasons for the failure to carry out the project beyond the control of the aid beneficiary and their direct causal link with such failure.

Kultur | lx is no longer bound by its decision to grant aid if the editorial project has not been completed within 24 months of the date of approval by the Selection Committee.

Required documentations
  • A catalogue of the publishing house’s publications;
  • A detailed provisional budget for the publication project;
  • A copy of the agreement signed by the publishing rights holder (if applicable);
  • A copy of the agreement signed by the author granting the publication of his/her work;
  • Articles of association of the publishing house;
  • Financial statement for year N-1.

The form can be completed in French or English.

Only complete applications submitted by the deadline will be processed. The absence of any supporting documentation in the applicant’s file must be duly justified.

Mention of Kultur | lx

The beneficiary of the support must include the Kultur | lx logo on its communication materials, with the statement “With the support of Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg”.

Kultur | lx aims to support the visibility and the recognition of the artists, the events and the actions implemented by the creators and professionals of Luxembourg with the media, the professionals and the international public. The aim of this support is to increase the visibility and recognition of the Luxembourgish creative sector through the media, those working in the sector, and audiences abroad. The applicant is able to hire a PR or marketing agency in order to promote their participation in exhibitions, trade shows, festivals or other events abroad. This support is also available for promoting new Luxembourgish productions or releases through international media and creative marketing channels.


This support is intended for:

  • Artists;
  • Authors;
  • Non-profits/companies;
  • Private/public limited companies;
  • Cultural institutions.

    With Luxembourg citizenship or residency in Luxembourg.

  • Foreign organisations for a Luxembourg production/artist.
Exclusion and restrictions

Beneficiaries of the Global Project Grant for the year in question are not entitled to this support.

The support is not retroactive.

Targeted sectors

All sectors supported by Kultur | lx.

Decision process

Decisions to approve, reject, or defer a funding application are taken by an internal comittee or external selection committee for amounts above €10,000.

Applications for funding shall be submitted electronically via the Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg platform.

The deadlines for submission of projects for the year 2024 are set as follows:

  • 11 January 2024
  • 15 February 2024
  • 21 March 2024
  • 25 April 2024
  • 23 May 2024
  • 27 June 2024
  • 18 July 2024
  • 5 September 2024
  • 10 October 2024
  • 14 November 2024
  • 5 December 2024

The internal and selection committees have a period of three weeks to decide on the application from the deadline for submission (see deadlines above). The submitted project may not start before the end of the deadline for response.

Example :
Submission on 21 March. Response by 11 April. Project cannot start before 12 April.
Submission on 25 April. Response by 16 May. Project cannot start before 17 May.

Please note: 
An application submitted between 22 March (i.e. after the 20 March deadline) and 25 April will be processed with the 25 April submission, so the project cannot start before 17 May, as in the above example.

  • Project relevance;
  • Clearly stated goals;
  • Relevant, quality communication tools (press kit, data sheet, visuals, Web presence, etc.);
  • Schedule of planned events;
  • Identification and references of targeted professional partners and media;
  • Quality of the budget and diversity of funding sources;
  • Career benefit.
Eligible expenses

Promotion support covers expenses for professional services and purchasing advertising space :

  • PR services (fees and postage costs);
  • Advertising in media targeting an international audience;
  • Digital promotion and marketing;
  • Community-management services.
Amount of the support

Total financial support is calculated in accordance with eligible costs using criteria laid down in the critera article and the Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg Guidelines (Our guidelines) within the limits of available funds.

Terms of payment

The support will be paid on submission of invoices and a report no later than 3 months after the end of the project. Without the final breakdown of expenses, the Directors of Kultur | lx may block payment of the support. However, some expenses, too significant to be advanced by the artist or the structure, may be invoiced directly to Kultur | lx on the basis of an estimate jointly accepted by the project initiator and Kultur | lx.

The award of the funding will be voided if the project in respect of which the funding was awarded does not take place by the deadline that the organisation set at the time when the funding was awarded. The same applies in the event that one of the conditions applicable to the award of the funding is no longer being met, or that the funding was awarded on the basis of inaccurate or incomplete information.

Should the funding be voided, the organisation will be entitled to reimbursement of any payments already made. The organisation may, on an exceptional basis, waive its right to reimbursement upon the submission of a written request setting out the reasons, which must be outside the control of the beneficiary of the funding, why the project did not take place and their direct causal link with the fact that it did not take place.

Mention of Kultur | lx

The beneficiary of the support must include the Kultur | lx logo on its communication materials, with the statement “With the support of Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg”.

Kultur | lx aims to support the professional structures which contribute by their work and their presence on the international events to the diffusion and the radiation of the Luxembourgish creation. This support is aimed at companies and organisations (galleries, publishers, associations, cultural institutions) that want to take part in international events, such as trade shows and professional fairs, and whose programme(s) will include one or more Luxembourish artists.


This support is intended for:

  • Private/public limited companies based in Luxembourg and abroad;
  • Galleries in Luxembourg and abroad;
  • Publishers in Luxembourg and abroad;
  • Luxembourg non-profits/companies;
  • Luxembourg cultural institutions.
Exclusion and restrictions

The Luxembourgish artist(s) must be central to the submitted proposal; their place in it will play a key role in the evaluation of the project. The support awarded must be focused on expenses relating directly to Luxembourgish artists.

The support is not retroactive.

Targeted sectors

All sectors supported by Kultur | lx.

Decision process

Decisions to approve, reject, or defer a funding application are taken by an intern or a selection committee for amounts above €10,000.

Applications for funding shall be submitted electronically via the Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg platform.

The deadlines for submission of projects for the year 2024 are set as follows:

  • 11 January 2024
  • 15 February 2024
  • 21 March 2024
  • 25 April 2024
  • 23 May 2024
  • 27 June 2024
  • 18 July 2024
  • 5 September 2024
  • 10 October 2024
  • 14 November 2024
  • 5 December 2024

The internal and selection committees have a period of three weeks to decide on the application from the deadline for submission (see deadlines above). The submitted project may not start before the end of the deadline for response.

Example :
Submission on 21 March. Response by 11 April. Project cannot start before 12 April.
Submission on 25 April. Response by 16 May. Project cannot start before 17 May.

Please note: 
An application submitted between 22 March (i.e. after the 20 March deadline) and 25 April will be processed with the 25 April submission, so the project cannot start before 17 May, as in the above example.

  • References of the targeted trade show or fair;
  • Relevance of the project and programme dedicated to Luxembourg artists;
  • Clearly stated goals;
  • Schedule of planned events;
  • Identification and quality of proposed professional partners;
  • Added value for the artist’s career;
  • Quality of the budget and diversity of funding sources;
  • Cultural impact for Luxembourg.
Eligible expenses
  • Travel of Luxembourg artist(s);
  • Accommodation of Luxembourg artist(s);
  • Per diem of Luxembourg artist(s);
  • Transportation costs;
  • Registration/accreditation fees;
  • Spot-/stand-hire costs;
  • Visa fees of Luxembourg artist(s).
Rates and condition for eligible expenses
  • Travel
    Travel should be by train where possible. Second-class tickets will be reimbursed, as will economy-class plane tickets.
    Travel by car will only be covered – at a rate of €0.30 per kilometre plus any applicable tolls and any parking charges – if that is the only possible solution.
    Taxi costs may be covered if absolutely necessary (absence or deficiency of public transport, heavy load to be transported, etc.).
    Public transport costs with proof of payment.
  • Accommodation
    Maximum amount for hotels: €140 per night and per person. That sum might be re-evaluated for certain countries/cities, or if it is impossible to find accommodation at that price.
  • Per diem
    Per diem: 30 euro per day, per person, per working day. 15 euro per day, per person, per day of travel.
Amount of the support

Total financial support is calculated in accordance with eligible costs using criteria laid down in the critera article and the Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg Guidelines (Our guidelines) within the limits of available funds.

Terms of payment

The support will be paid on submission of invoices and a report no later than 3 months after the end of the project. Without the final breakdown of expenses, the Directors of Kultur | lx may block payment of the support.

The award of the funding will be voided if the project in respect of which the funding was awarded does not take place by the deadline that the organisation set at the time when the funding was awarded. The same applies in the event that one of the conditions applicable to the award of the funding is no longer being met, or that the funding was awarded on the basis of inaccurate or incomplete information.

Should the funding be voided, the organisation will be entitled to reimbursement of any payments already made. The organisation may, on an exceptional basis, waive its right to reimbursement upon the submission of a written request setting out the reasons, which must be outside the control of the beneficiary of the funding, why the project did not take place and their direct causal link with the fact that it did not take place.

Mention of Kultur | lx

The beneficiary of the support must include the Kultur | lx logo on its communication materials, with the statement “With the support of Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg”.

Kultur | lx wishes to contribute to the influence and dissemination of work. Financial assistance for touring and circulation of productions is intended for Luxembourgish professionals in the cultural sector who wish to perform on tour, at festivals, showcases or present their work at exhibitions abroad.

Institutions abroad that wish to host a Luxembourgish production or artist can also benefit from this fund. In this case, Kultur | lx’s support should be considered only as a contribution towards part of the costs, which are to be shared with the host/inviting organisation.

A single application may be submitted for dates spaced out in time but relating to the same project.


This support is intended for:

  • Artists;
  • Authors;
  • Composers;
  • Independent curators;
  • Non-profits/companies;
  • Private/public limited companies;
  • Cultural institutions.

With Luxembourg citizenship or residency in Luxembourg.

  • Foreign cultural institutions (only for a Luxembourg production*).

*Luxembourg production: a production mainly funded from Luxembourg / in which the lead partner is based in Luxembourg / of which the creator is has citizenship of or residency in Luxembourg (artist, director, choreographer, author, etc.).

Exclusion and restrictions

Beneficiaries of the Global Project Grant for the year in question are not entitled to this support.

The support is not retroactive.

Targeted sectors

All sectors supported by Kultur | lx.

Decision process

Decisions to approve, reject, or defer a funding application are taken by an internal comittee or external selection committee for amounts above €10,000.

Applications for funding shall be submitted electronically via the Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg platform.

The deadlines for submission of projects for the year 2024 are set as follows:

  • 11 January 2024
  • 15 February 2024
  • 21 March 2024
  • 25 April 2024
  • 23 May 2024
  • 27 June 2024
  • 18 July 2024
  • 5 September 2024
  • 10 October 2024
  • 14 November 2024
  • 5 December 2024

The internal and selection committees have a period of three weeks to decide on the application from the deadline for submission (see deadlines above). The submitted project may not start before the end of the deadline for response.

Example :
Submission on 21 March. Response by 11 April. Project cannot start before 12 April.
Submission on 25 April. Response by 16 May. Project cannot start before 17 May.

Please note: 
An application submitted between 22 March (i.e. after the 20 March deadline) and 25 April will be processed with the 25 April submission, so the project cannot start before 17 May, as in the above example.

  • The production must take place in/at a recognised cultural institution, festival, or venue abroad;
  • References of the targeted host organisation/event;
  • Project management and feasibility;
  • Quality of the budget and diversity of funding sources;
  • Ethical remuneration of artistic teams;
  • Clearly stated goals;
  • Added value for the career;
  • Sustainability: isolated events that have no prospects for exchanges, or that do not form part of a career-development or networking plan will not be selected.
Eligible expenses
  • Travel (train, plane, car, taxi, public transport);
  • Accommodation;
  • Per diem;
  • Logistic transportation costs (sets, artwork, backline, insurance), excluding packaging costs;
  • Technical costs (rental of additional equipment not available at the venue, presentation costs);
  • Visa fees;
  • Promotional fees related to the tour:
    • Press/PR costs (fees + postage costs);
    • Purchase of advertising space (print, radio, Web, professional publications, etc.);
    • Advertising and digital marketing (Google, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, etc.);
  • Translation costs for overtitling (for theatre and opera productions);
  • Costs of reruns* (only for performing arts, as part of a tour abroad with at least three dates).

*Support for reruns
To receive support for reruns, applicants must demonstrate that new costs arise due to rehearsals and changes linked to distribution. They must draw up a work programme listing the rehearsals required for the rerun, additional costs and the tour dates.

Two scenarios apply:
1) Circulation of an existing work that has not been performed for a significant period of time (12 months since the last performance). One or more actors may be changed for a rerun.
2) Due to a force majeure, an actor needs to be replaced in order to complete the project (injury, illness, prior commitment to another show confirmed by the date on the contract).

For all applications, the project leader must present contracts with the international venues, including the cost of fees and the costs related to hosting the production. Priority shall be given to tours and performances with institutions and on platforms whose profile is likely to launch a new series of tour dates.

Rates and condition for eligible expenses
  • Travel
    Travel should be by train where possible. Second-class tickets will be reimbursed, as will economy-class plane tickets.
    Travel by car will only be covered – at a rate of €0.30 per kilometre plus any applicable tolls and any parking charges – if that is the only possible solution.
    Taxi costs may be covered if absolutely necessary (absence or deficiency of public transport, heavy load to be transported, etc.).
    Public transport costs with proof of payment.
  • Accommodation
    Maximum amount for hotels: €140 per night and per person. That sum might be re-evaluated for certain countries/cities, or if it is impossible to find accommodation at that price.
  • Per diem
    Per diem: 30 euro per day, per person, per working day and up to two OFF days between two tour dates. 15 euro per day, per person, per day of travel. Days of rest are not compensated for more than two days OFF between two tour dates.
  • Reruns costs
    Rehearsal fees, rental of rehearsal space. Support will be provided for a maximum of 5 days of work.
Amount of the support

Total financial support is calculated in accordance with eligible costs using criteria laid down in the critera article and the Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg Guidelines (Our guidelines) within the limits of available funds.

Terms of payment

The support will be paid on submission of invoices and a report no later than 3 months after the end of the project. Without the final breakdown of expenses, the Directors of Kultur | lx may block payment of the support. However, some expenses, too significant to be advanced by the artist or the structure, may be invoiced directly to Kultur | lx on the basis of an estimate jointly accepted by the project initiator and Kultur | lx.

The award of the funding will be voided if the project in respect of which the funding was awarded does not take place by the deadline that the organisation set at the time when the funding was awarded. The same applies in the event that one of the conditions applicable to the award of the funding is no longer being met, or that the funding was awarded on the basis of inaccurate or incomplete information.

Should the funding be voided, the organisation will be entitled to reimbursement of any payments already made. The organisation may, on an exceptional basis, waive its right to reimbursement upon the submission of a written request setting out the reasons, which must be outside the control of the beneficiary of the funding, why the project did not take place and their direct causal link with the fact that it did not take place.

Mention of Kultur | lx

The beneficiary of the support must include the Kultur | lx logo on its communication materials, with the statement “With the support of Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg”.

Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg is working with the Fonderie Darling in Montreal to launch a call for applications for a three-month research and creation residency for Luxembourg visual artists or visual artists living in Luxembourg artists at the Fonderie Darling in Montreal.

With a pilot project starting in 2023, Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg will also offer artists the opportunity to extend the residency by three weeks as part of the Residencies programme at the Matapedia Train Station (Gaspésie) .

The Fonderie Darling is a visual arts centre located in classified former industrial buildings in the west of Old Montreal. Founded in 2002, and run by the not-for-profit Quartier Éphémère, the centre aims to support research, creation, production and promotion of contemporary visual arts. Both local and international artists are at the heart of the Fonderie Darling programme.
Vital to the dynamics of a creative space, international exchanges contribute cultural diversity, stimulate creativity, and build long-lasting relationships between artists and professionals from all areas of the art sector. These exchanges happen in two ways at Fonderie Darling: regular programming of artist exhibitions and international curators in its galleries; and international residency programmes in the studios.

The Matapedia Train Station is a historic building with fully-preserved original architecture anchored in the heart of a village, in a majestic natural setting. Transformed into an artistic and community centre, The Matapedia Train Station becomes a space-workshop for creation, production and dissemination, joining different surrounding communities.

This international residency aims to encourage artists to immerse themselves in the Montreal art scene and build networks with the local art scene, contributing to the development of artists’ professional careers in the longer term. Artists can use the residency for their own creative work and there is no obligation to produce a specific piece of work. The residency is therefore an opportunity for artists to create, experiment, soak up a variety of social contexts, start collaborations or partnerships, and receive support for the promotion of their work. The residency shall be granted under the terms and conditions defined below.


Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg shall award a research residency following a call for applications from visual artists who can demonstrate significant professional experience. Applicants must hold Luxembourg nationality or reside in Luxembourg. There is no age limit.

Applications must be submitted via the online registration form. Documents submitted by post shall not be accepted.

Deadline for applications : Sunday October 1st, 2023 at 23:59 CET.

Residency terms

The residency shall take place from September to November 2024 at the Fonderie Darling and in December 2024 at the Matapedia Train Station and cannot be split. The laureate shall stay in one of the four live-in studios at the Fonderie Darling. The studio accommodation is equipped with a sink, small kitchen and a small bedroom in a mezzanine. The bathroom, large kitchen, dining room and rooftop terrace are communal and shared by all artists. Bedlinen and towels are provided.

For the Matapedia Train Station residency, the laureate shall be offered accommodation in the village and a studio in the Matapedia Train Station.
The additional three-week residency at the Matapedia Train Station is optional. Candidate should mention and justify his or her intention to take advantage of this opportunity when submitting the application. Once the call for applications is closed, it will no longer be possible to apply for an extension of the residency in Matapedia Train Station.

The resident agrees to respect the dates of the residence and the general rules.

The residency program at the Darling Foundry / Matapedia Train Station will offer:
• support and administrative follow-up;
• support for the development and dissemination of artistic work and networking with regular meetings organized with professionals from the art world;
• provision of technical workshops and experienced technicians.

Financial terms of the residency

Will be made available to the laureate:

  • A studio;
  • A grant: residency stipend worth a maximum of €8,400 (Fonderie Darling) or €8,400 + €2,100 = €10,500 (Fonderie Darling + Matapedia Train Station);
  • Flat fee for transport and daily expenses: maximum flat rate of €1,500 for Montreal + €500 for Matapedia;
  • Production support: maximum €2,000 reimbursement of original, paid invoices.

The artist must have health and repatriation insurance during his stay in Montréal.

Organisation and Jury

The application is free of charge and unpaid.

The laureate shall be selected by:

  • A jury consisting of representatives from the cultural sector, which shall make an initial pre-selection of applications received;
  • The final decision is up to the board of the Fonderie Darling.

The jury shall award the residency on the basis of the relevance and completeness of the artistic project. The decision of the jury is final.
The jury may decide not to award the residency if it does not deem any of the applications suitable.

All applicants shall be informed of the outcome by e-mail.

The jury is made-up with:

  • Steph Meyers (Rotondes)
  • Justine Blau (artist and laureate 2023)
  • Stilbé Schroeder (Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’Art Contemporain)
Documents required
  • Photocopy of ID document;
  • Certificate of residence of the candidate;
  • Social security registration certificate (certificat d’affiliation) issued by the relevant social security office;
  • Artist curriculum vitae;
  • Cover letter;
  • Statement of intent describing the research project and the planned media (challenges, aims, techniques, strands of work etc.), 3 to 5 A4 pages;
  • Artist portfolio including visuals, texts, press reviews.

Only complete applications submitted by the deadline shall be accepted.

The candidate must find out before applying the conditions for entering Canadian territory and in particular the obligations in relation to the health crisis, to ensure their ability to carry out their residency.

Consent and obligations

By submitting an application, applicants declare that the information provided is complete and accurate. Candidategrant all members of the jury access to their personal data. Applicants authorise the jury to verify the accuracy of all of the information contained in their application. In the event that any information provided by the applicant is incorrect, the applicant agrees that Kultur | lx reserves the right to exclude the application. The recipient of the residency shall grant Kultur | lx permission to use their name for promotional and advertising purposes.

Laureate obligations

In addition to time spent on research and creation, the laureate shall be required to present their work to the public, attend meetings, raise the awareness of and involve visitors to the Fonderie Darling in the creative process.

The laureate agrees to submit a detailed report to Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg at the end of the residency. The report shall be shared with the Fonderie Darling. The report may be published by Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg. Kultur | lx may request full or partial reimbursement of the grant if the artist does not submit the report.

In the event that the residency in Montreal is terminated before completion, the laureate shall be required to reimburse the grant and any costs corresponding to the period not completed.

The laureate agrees to mention Kultur | lx and Fonderie Darling during the presentation of the works resulting from this residency as well as in any communication related to this residency.

Payment of the grant

The residency stipend and the flat rate to cover travel costs shall be transferred to the personal bank account of the beneficiary in two instalments. The first instalment of 80% shall be paid upon the beneficiary’s arrival at the Fonderie Darling, notified to Kultur | lx in writing. The second instalment of 20% shall be paid upon submission of the report to the jury by the artist at the end of the residency.

A maximum sum of €2,000 shall be paid at the same time as the second instalment upon presentation, at the end of the residency, of documents and accounts paid to cover costs related to production, presentation of the residency and any costs for an exhibition/event/meeting.


Kultur | lx reserves the right to cancel, at any point in time and for any reason, the allocation of grants under the terms of these conditions. In this event, applicants shall not be entitled to claim any sort of compensation.

Additionnal information

List of recipients


Fonderie Darling
Fonderie Darling | Combined residency in Montréal and Matapedia Train Station
Caroline Andrieux, Founder and Artistic Director
Tel. (+001) 514 392-1554