“Metamorphosis” in the official programme of the Rencontres internationales Paris/Berlin – new cinema and contemporary art (09.04 – 14.04.2024)

“Metamorphosis” in the official programme of the Rencontres internationales Paris/Berlin – new cinema and contemporary art (30.10 – 05.11.2023)

With the support of Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg

With the support of Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg

With the support of Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg

Screening of short films and documentaries by Trixi Weis, Suzan Noesen, Mike Bourscheid, Karolina Markiewicz & Pascal Piron
With the support of Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg

In the framework of the “Ciné-Corps” festival

In the framework of “Imago Lisboa Photo Festival 2022”