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Learn more Anne-Mareike Hess, Vera Kox and Eric Schumacher, award-winners of the first
#call for application #dance #kulturlxnews #performing arts #visual arts

Anne-Mareike Hess, Vera Kox and Eric Schumacher, award-winners of the first “Portfolio Grant” 2021

Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg, is offering, for the first time, a “Portfolio grant”, set up to raise awareness of an artist’s work within the sector and among…

Learn more | lx music workshops - Distribution and Touring Strategies with Music Ally
#classical #contemporary #hip hop #jazz #kulturlxnews #music #pop rock #show

| lx music workshops – Distribution and Touring Strategies with Music Ally

Kultur | lx is thrilled to be working with Music Ally for our first ever music industry-focused workshops and training sessions. As a global leader in digital training for the music industry, Music…

Learn more Kultur | lx team - Hélène Doub

Kultur | lx team – Hélène Doub

Hélène Doub joined the Kultur | lx team on 4 October as head of the Visual Arts department. Hélène Doub Head of the Department of Visual Arts With an academic…

Learn more Presentation of the selection committees

Presentation of the selection committees

Kultur | lx has put in a place selection committee for each of the sectors supported. The members are chosen on the basis of their skills and experience in the…