Verein Innenhofkultur invites applications from Creative Europe-based artists for the Troubled Water Residency. This opportunity is open to two collaborating artists from the music sector, who will work together on a new project centered around the theme Troubled Waters.

The residency will take place from 29 September to 24 November 2024 at Villa For Forest in Klagenfurt, Austria. The resulting project will be performed at the New Adits festival at Villa For Forest.

The residency provides working space, accommodation, per diem (25 EUR per participant per day), travel expenses (350 – 700 EUR), green travel top-up for participants‘ long distance travel by green transport, family top-up, disability top-up, and final performance fee.

Application deadline: 20 August 2024



Join the immersive 3-day songwriting camp at Rocklab where you’ll collaborate intensively with top national and international songwriters, producers and performers to craft songs for the Eurovision 2025.

Get inspired, collaborate and write songs all day long in one of Rocklab’s dedicated rooms with the support and guidance of international experts. Kickstart each day with inspiring morning briefings before diving into dynamic songwriting sessions, get useful knowledge and resources for your career and expand your professional network.

The camp facilitators will select the candidates based on the following criteria:

Ticket type 1: Access to songwriting camp: 300€
Ticket type 2: Access to songwriting camp & hotel accommodation: 700€

Please note that refreshments, lunch and dinner will be available each day to all participants.

How to apply?

Please fill in the application form HERE.

Application deadline: 15 August 2024

Are you an artist and do you want to showcase your music on the MW:M Live stage?

MW:M Live is the music showcase event of Most Wanted: Music, Berlin’s music business conference. All industry visitors attending Most Wanted: Music will automatically be admitted to the showcase event. Additionally, MW:M Live will be open to the public with separate tickets. Taking place on November 13th & 14th at the Kulturbrauerei in Berlin, the fifth edition of the showcase offers up-and coming talent the chance to introduce themselves as live acts in front of an audience of conference participants, invited decision-makers, and music lovers. Artists from all over Germany, Europe and beyond have been selected from the applicants.

Application deadline: 31 July 2024

Project support for Luxembourg museums aims to renew and optimize the museum offerings in Luxembourg through targeted heritage enhancement initiatives. Specifically, the aid is intended to contribute to the financing of various conceptual studies, projects for the partial or total redesign or implementation of museography, as well as communication, documentation, and collection management projects.

On the one hand, the Ministry of Culture provides direct support to Luxembourg’s cultural institutions to develop and diversify cultural programming, facilitate access to collections, and broaden their distribution. On the other hand, it offers indirect support for employment in the cultural sector (museographers, communications agencies, artists, creative industries, etc.).

To better understand your needs, develop tailored actions to your needs, and offer you with relevant opportunities in the near future, we are initiating a portfolio call for all professional designers and craftsmen from Luxembourg or living in Luxembourg.

Additionally, we invite you to share your professional goals and aspirations with us through the accompanying questionnaire.

Submission deadline: 04 September 2024

Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg wishes to support innovative and experimental initiatives in the design sector. Financial support for the development of a concept or project during the research and development phase – up to and including the construction of a prototype – is directed to all Luxembourg design professionals.

The grant is designed to support designers during the research, feasibility study and initial technical development phases of their project, in order to facilitate the transition from idea to creation. The aim of the grant is to support the development of the concept right through to the production of an initial prototype.

In this way, Kultur | lx aims to encourage creative diversity and the emergence of new talents.

The project will be assessed on the basis of its cultural and artistic interest, its innovative and sustainable nature and the quality of the proposed methodology. Particular attention will be paid to social design projects.

This grant is open to professional designers or multidisciplinary groups led by a Luxembourg designer, resident in Luxembourg and/or of Luxembourg nationality.

Application deadline: 10 October 2024

Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg and Brussels Jazz Station are joining forces to organise a three-day focus dedicated to Luxembourgish jazz with a programme including showcases, meetings, and an end-of-residency concert. From December 5th to 7th, the Jazz Station, the Théâtre Marni and the Théâtre Senghor will welcome Luxembourgish artists to show the audiences and professionals the last news on jazz in the Grand Duchy.

In parallel, the Jazz Station and Kultur | lx will organise a professional gathering with promoters from Luxembourg, Belgium, The Netherlands, and France to explore and exchange ideas on cross-border cooperation and exchanges in the Benelux and beyond. The challenge will be to develop concrete ideas on how to ease the circulation of artists in this area.

Last but not least, and in order to encourage artistic exchanges between the Luxembourgish and Belgian scenes, Kultur | lx and the Jazz Station are currently working on the establishment of a residency programme gathering musicians from both countries. The result of this collaboration will be presented during the Jazz Focus.

Are you willing to play at Jazz Focus in Brussels? Submit your application below !

Kultur | lx is opening a call for applications for :

Application deadline: July 19, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

The Global Project Grant is intended for artists in Luxembourg’s music sector and is designed to enable them to present a global and ambitious project over a period of one year which, if possible, seeks to go beyond the beaten track of a simple album release or tour. The project should have a clear focus on the international level and bring together a variety of aspects ranging from research and project design to promotion and dissemination.

This initiative aims to bring an added value to the project and to encourage artists and their teams to plan and foresee their strategy over a year with a dedicated budget. It also offers the opportunity and recommendation to implement innovative and creative concepts that can go beyond standard career patterns, the aim not necessarily being to achieve commercial success. Preferably, the project should include support in the form of mentoring or participation in various programmes, management workshops and the like.
For its part, Kultur | lx undertakes to support the laureate(s) at every stage of the project.

Our objectives for Luxembourgish artists are:

The objectives for Kultur | lx are:

Application deadline: September 12,2024

LUGA a.s.b.l, with the financial support of the City of Luxembourg and the Ministry of Agriculture,Food and Viticulture, offers artists, cultural players, environmentalists, scientists and innovators theopportunity to make unusual landscaped areas their own, to rethink urban space in such a way as toencourage the development of inter- and multidisciplinary dialogue on ecological issues. The exhibition – running from 7 May 2025 to 18 October 2025 – is designed as a time for experimentation and innovation.

During these six months, participants will have the opportunity to test new ideas, explore innovative concepts and develop ambitious projects. This period is conceived as fertile ground for pushing creative boundaries, exchanging knowledge and contributing to the emergence of avant-garde approaches in their respective fields. In short, it’s a dynamic period conducive to research, collaboration and the realization of innovative concepts.

Application deadline : 30 July 2024

Pro Weekend Fest (PWF) is a showcase and conference festival that will celebrate its 10th edition in 2024 with more than 30 performances by acts from all over the globe in the city of Castello, Spain. Kultur | lx and the Pro Weekend Festival have joined forces to add two Luxembourg artists to the line-up. Apply now as solo artist or band and be part of this year’s festival from 16 to 19 October! You will be present in Castello for the entire duration of the festival. In addition to your performance(s), you can participate in training sessions led by music industry experts, network with international musicians, professionals and media to raise your profile in the Southwest of Europe.

Who can apply?

Luxembourgish and Luxembourg-based bands and solo artists who fulfil the following criteria:

Two spots are available. The final selection is up to the festival. Pro Weekend Fest will cover the fee for the performance. Travel costs, accommodation and per diem will be covered by Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg.

Application deadline: June 27, 2024