
16.05.2024 #kulturlxnews

Meet the team: Anna Becker & Pamela Medina Lopez

The team at Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg has been bolstered by the addition of Anna Becker, who started her role as Performing Arts Project Manager on March 8, and Pamela Medina Lopez, who began her position on May 13 as Biennales, Fairs, and Festivals Project Manager for the Visual Arts, Architecture, Design, and Crafts departments.

About Anna Becker
After graduating with a degree in Human Sciences and earning a double Master’s in Political Science and Cultural Management, Anna Becker joined Services for Creatives (LU) immediately upon completing her studies. She managed projects in contemporary music, live performance, and scientific culture, while also handling all contractual, legal, and tax issues related to the agency’s projects. Additionally, Anna has been active in promoting accessibility and the democratisation of culture. She has worked as a cultural mediator, receptionist, and guide for remote or disabled audiences at Ososphère and the Vosges du Nord Regional Nature Park (FR).
In March 2024, Anna joined Kultur | lx as a Project Manager, strengthening the Performing Arts Department alongside Victor Mayot.

About Pamela Medina Lopez
Pamela Medina Lopez, born in Mexico, holds an MA in “Curating, Managing and Mediating Art” from Aalto University and a professional Master’s in “Contemporary Art and Its Exhibition” from Sorbonne University. Her research primarily focused on documents/books/screens as alternative exhibition spaces and their role in curatorial reflection and social dialogue. With an international profile, she has gained experience in cultural institutions and art galleries in Mexico, Italy, Finland, and France. In 2019, she contributed to the establishment of the first branch of the Spanish gallery Mayoral in Paris, where she worked as a gallery assistant. More recently, she collaborated on the “Platform for New Assemblies” project at the Centre Pompidou as a Programme Officer in the the spoken word department.